Gianluca Mazzarella


Room 4, First floor

Via San Felice al Monastero 5

Pavia, Italy

I am Senior Assistant Professor (RTD-B) at the Department of Economics and Management, Università di Pavia.

I am also affiliated with the Health Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG).

I completed my PhD in Statistics at University of Padua.

I was Assistant Professor at University of Milan, Research Fellow at the Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation - Joint Research Centre - European Commission, Post-Doc Researcher at the Department of Economics and Management, the University of Padua, Junior Researcher at Irvapp (Research Institute for Evaluation of Public Policies), Trento, Italy; visiting scholar at the Department of Statistics, Harvard University.

My research interests concern causal inference with non-randomly selected samples, evaluation of public policies, labour economics, retirement effects, voting behaviour.